PRIVACY POLICY Larsen Wealth Management ("LWM") is committed to protecting your personal information and therefore adheres to the highest ethical standards in gathering, using, and safeguarding the information you've entrusted to us. Through this policy and its underlying procedures, LWM attempts to secure the confidentiality of customer records and information and protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of customer records and information. LWM will not rent, sell, or exchange user information.
It is the policy of LWM to restrict access to all current and former clients' information (i.e., information and records pertaining to personal background, investment objectives, financial situation, tax information/returns, investment holdings, account numbers, account balances, etc.) to those employees and affiliated/nonaffiliated entities who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to the client. LWM may disclose the client's information if:
The disclosure of information contained in any document completed by the client for processing and/or transmittal by LWM in order to facilitate the commencement/continuation/termination of a business relationship between the client and a nonaffiliated third party service provider (i.e., broker-dealer, investment adviser, account custodian, insurance company, etc.), including information contained in any document completed and/or executed by the client for LWM (i.e., advisory agreement, client information form, etc.), shall be deemed as having been automatically authorized by the client with respect to the corresponding nonaffiliated third party service provider.
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS AND SECURITY E-mail scams, designed to gain personal and confidential information from recipients, have become more common. In some cases, e-mails are forged [that is, made to appear as though the sender is an entity known to the recipient] and contain requests for personal information. In other cases, a legitimate-looking e-mail directs the recipient to a phony website that tries to get the recipient to reveal his or her user name, password, and other personal and financial data. If you receive such an e-mail, and it appears to come from LWM or its Wealth Advisors, do not reply. Instead, please call your LWM Advisor for additional information or send us a secure message using this website. See: Identity Theft.
We recommend general computer security policies to all LWM users which include: